New Dublin office marks a new era for Cundall

UK and Europe 28 二月 2020

Cundall is proud to reveal our brand new, highly sustainable office in the heart of Dublin city. Scaling up from our previous location in Ballymount, the move is testament to our continued growth and development in Ireland and reaffirms our commitment to expanding our European operations.

Designed by the Cundall Dublin team with Studio Ben Allen, the new office is a symbol of our commitment to healthy and sustainable workplaces for all of our global staff.

Situated overlooking the historic St Stephen’s Green in Dublin’s bustling centre, the new office embraces the principles of the WELL Building Standard and was also designed to achieve net zero carbon certification. The office fit out includes 100% recycled office furniture with sit/stand desks, natural ventilation, elimination of any form of air conditioning and intelligent circadian lighting controls.

Derry Kearney, Managing Director of Cundall Ireland, said:

“We are very excited to kick off 2020 in a brand-new office space. The design and fit out has been a true demonstration of our team’s creativity and commitment to sustainability. We gave the team the opportunity to create their own office space and we are hugely proud of the result.

The brief considered health and wellbeing principles as well as creating a space that aligned with the whole practice’s net zero carbon commitment. Our design has eliminated the need for air conditioning and utilises the inherent design features of this Victorian era building, with its high ceilings, to allow us to naturally cross ventilate the space. Destratification ceiling fans have also been utilised as they make the room feel cooler in the summer and push warm air down during the winter. We have also ensured the heat recovered from the toilet and shower area ventilation systems is delivered into office space, supplementing the heating system in the winter months. The thermal performance of the space was also increased by refurbishing the original single glazed sash windows and fitting thermal insulation to areas of the fabric exceeding building regulations standards. By making these simple improvements, it has supported us on our journey to a net zero carbon enabled fit out. The team also drew on the experience of our colleagues who have fitted out our Cundall offices in other parts of the world and who were happy to share the best of what they have achieved so we can build upon this.”

The move puts Cundall squarely in the heart of Dublin and at the gateway to European business for many global tech companies. It is part of our aim to continue to grow our European business from our offices in Ireland, UK, Romania, Spain and Poland.

Tomás Neeson, Managing Partner, commented:

“Our new Dublin office is the latest step in our core commitment, as a practice, to provide the best and most sustainable working environments for all of our talent. In the past four years we have provided new homes for 17 of our 25 offices and our Dublin office builds upon all we have learnt on this journey. We applied #RetroFirst solutions and made maximum use of a suitably adaptable existing building with excellent public transport links.

In four years we have grown from a team of seven to now needing space to accommodate 40+, which is a testament to both our staff and our clients who engage us to provide multidisciplinary services across both local and global projects.

We have been present in the Irish market for 20 years, and in that time, have developed a reputation for technical excellence, and with a new state-of-the-art office, Derry and his team are perfectly positioned to continue to create and pass on our knowledge of sustainable, great engineering and grow that reputation for excellence in Europe. We, in the global business, will do everything we can to support them.”

The Cundall Dublin office is located at 7 St. Stephen’s Green.
