Black Lives Matter

26 六月 2020

We pledge that from this day forward, Cundall will be an anti-racist organisation.

It is time to step up, speak out and take action.

It should not have taken the tragic murder of George Floyd and rapid spread of anti-racism protests around the world for us to take notice – but we are listening now and we will not waste another moment.

Cundall stands firmly with all Black Lives Matter protesters and anti-racists around the world seeking justice for George Floyd, Jimmy Mubenga, Belly Mujinga, Collins Khosa, Adama Traoré and all victims of systematic racism worldwide.

We support the calls for a review of all national education systems that exclude the representation of black history, colonialism, imperialism and a truthful representation of our shared past. We can neither learn from nor be inspired by a history that remains hidden.

In our own practice, Cundall is committed to proactively removing all barriers that keep people from participating equally based on their race or ethnicity, at all levels.

To achieve this, we are committing to:

  • Introducing learning initiatives that provide education on white supremacy, white privilege and anti-racism.
  • Increasing diversity of representation within our business by introducing inclusive recruitment and promotions processes that actively seek out diverse talent. Part of this will be the presenting diverse candidate slates for new roles within the business.
  • Creating employee led diversity networks that ensure that voices of black and ethnic minority people are represented and listened to.
  • Dedicating more of our early careers and outreach activities to actively encouraging more black and ethnic minority talent into our business and our industry.

This is only the beginning. We have made positive progress since appointing our Head of Talent, Diversity and Inclusion 12 months ago, not least with the publication of our first Diversity and Inclusion Strategy in January this year. We must now build on that progress with urgency and live up to the commitments we have made both in that document, and in this statement.
