

全部 services

Energy underpins every aspect of our lives, and as we move to a decarbonised global economy, the way we generate and distribute energy is rapidly evolving.

To cater for a continually growing energy demand, whole systems thinking, flexibility, smart systems, renewable energy generation, energy storage systems and agile system operation will be essential in creating a secure and sustainable supply to balance with the demand.

Our power system specialists bring together essential expertise in high, medium and low voltage infrastructure and systems. We are leaders in renewable energy technology, energy storage, energy planning, grid compliance, microgrids, smart controls and demand management.

The capabilities of our global team encompass the whole lifecycle of energy infrastructure – from initial feasibility studies, site due diligence, energy masterplanning and analytical systems studies, through to detailed design and monitoring during construction, commissioning, and ongoing performance optimisation.

Our mission is to design and deliver a clean and efficient energy system of tomorrow.

We leverage both established and emerging technologies to optimise power solutions at any scale. This includes advanced modelling capabilities to understand and better manage current and future demand, incorporating effective protection and control solutions to integrate local renewables, enhance energy supply resilience and resolve supply pressure points.

We can provide value at any stage in a project, our holistic, multi-discipline approach in analysing problems and apprising solutions allows us to innovate as we create tomorrow’s world.


Peter Ridge

Associate Director, Power

英国 曼彻斯特


The way we generate, supply and use energy will change dramatically over the next twenty years as we transition to net zero carbon, bringing with it huge challenges and lots of exciting opportunities. Our power system specialists are driven by these challenges in creating the solutions for tomorrow and work collaboratively across sectors.
