

全部 services
Our planning team helps you to understand and navigate the planning system while adhering to the relevant legislation.

At Cundall, our experienced planning and environmental impact assessment (EIA) team provides an integrated service across the development planning stages. This includes pre-application discussions, environmental impact assessments and transportation inputs.

We can manage the planning process or act as intermediaries, on your behalf with local authorities. For planning or permit applications, we can provide many of the specialist reports to justify schemes and secure consent.

Our team also works directly with local planning authorities to prepare local plans and development briefs, masterplanning, development control, and assist in appeal situations.

分支 services


Ian Cansfield

Director, Planning and EIA

英国 纽卡斯尔


Getting early advice on development and planning / permitting strategy is vital to making your scheme happen. We simplify and support you throughout the process by helping you to secure planning approvals and de-risk your project.
