
Met Data

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Meteorological data in MET extension files can be provided for use in ADMS and AERMOD

Our Air Quality team has qualified expertise in meteorology and can utilise hourly sequential meteorological data from the past 20 years. This data is extracted and interpolated from one of the 300 meteorological stations across the UK, based on the request and needs of the client. It is also possible to provide data from international stations as the data is sourced from NOAA, supplying over 35,000 stations with the best spatial coverage in North America, Europe, Australia, and parts of Asia.

The data is processed to provide representative, model-ready, annual datasets. The provided data file includes metadata for each site, including data capture, site location, site classification, and ground elevation.


Curtis Oliver Smith in a blue shirt against a marble wall

Curtis Oliver-Smith

Graduate Air Quality Consultant

英国 伯明翰


Meteorology plays an important role in modelling the dispersion of dust, pollutants, bioaerosols and sound. Advanced modelling can be performed using meteorological variables such as temperature, wind, and relative humidity. Our team uses programming and APIs for data extraction and processing, ready for input into modelling software.
