One pedestrian and one cyclist crossing a bridge over the river Thames with high rise buildings under construction in the background

Active Travel

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Active travel has benefits for human health, reducing transport emissions and creating a more sustainable built environment. It can be promoted and enhanced within developments, communities and organisations.

Active travel refers to modes of transport that involve physical activity such as walking or cycling or using other non-motorised means of travel from one place to another.

A social shift to active travel leads to numerous benefits including improved health, reduced urban traffic congestion and associated pollution - contributing to a cleaner environment.

Our team provides advice on how to integrate both active travel infrastructure solutions and behaviour change initiatives into a proposal that encourages healthier, lower emissions and efficient modes of transportation.

We are ActiveScore accredited professionals, which is the recognised global standard specific to active travel. We can can advise our clients on achieve the certification.

We also provide design in accordance with the Healthy Street approach, which focuses on creating streets that are pleasant, safe and attractive.


Valeria Riso smiling towards the camera in a red top against a blurred background of the London office

Valeria Riso

Director of Transportation

英国 伦敦


We are dedicated to making the built environment an inclusive and more environmentally sustainable space - active travel is a core strategy for achieving this.
