
Logistics and Distribution

全部 sectors
At Cundall, we are known for our innovation and delivery of buildings appropriate for manufacture, storage or distribution.

We work with a variety of end-users and developers throughout the entire lifecycle of a project. This includes supporting our clients in the initial bid stage assessment, helping them to achieve planning approval and providing design and construction services.

The ultimate tenant is rarely known at the outset, so design needs to be flexible enough to accommodate various options. Some schemes secure a tenant partway through design, some after completion, and some schemes require re-use/refurbishment of existing facilities.

Commissions include core disciplines of MEP and C&S, plus BREEAM, air quality, acoustics, security, transportation, and geotechnical.

Net zero carbon is also an important consideration for this sector and we work hard to help our clients realise their sustainability aspirations.


Belinda Morgan

Partner, Building Services

英国 伯明翰


We understand and respond to the need for effective commercial designs, but still allow for the client to meet their sustainable responsibilities.
