
Royal Mint Court

Refurbishment and extension of the former Royal Mint buildings to provide premium, mixed-use facilities in the heart of historic London.


London, United Kingdom




Sheppard Robson

This development comprised the re-modelling and refurbishment of the historic 5.2-acre Royal Mint Court site into a five-building campus, providing 55,740m2 of modern, flexible office accommodation with significant public realm and retail facilities. The proximity to the Tower of London and the historic ruins of the Cistercian abbey presented numerous engineering challenges.

To accommodate the required height limits of the new development, we established a co-ordinated servicing strategy to ensure the complex M&E services could be routed through the building. This maximised both the lettable area and floor-to-ceiling heights. The central plant was located within an existing 1980s basement, so we prepared a detailed 3D model of the basement plant area to make sure all plant could be accommodated with the necessary access for installation and future maintenance.

Key fact

Royal Mint Court is located on the edge of the City, overlooking the River Thames and The Tower of London World Heritage Site, close to Whitechapel and the City of London


Key fact

Cundall developed the security requirements ascertaining the threats, risks and vulnerabilities associated with the building, providing design information to scope solutions through RIBA stages 2 and 3.


This was a very challenging scheme to fit a fully serviced modern office building in between the London sight line height constraints and historic remains in the basement. The team included experts from across our specialist consultancy teams and other design team members.
