
Great Parkway Link Road and Cycleway

Development of roadways within the Newcastle Great Park (NGP) with key sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDs) elements.

服务类别 (6)


Newcastle, United Kingdom


Esh Construction Ltd



Cundall’s multidisciplinary team were commissioned to deliver a 2.5 km of link road, over 3 km of pedestrian and cycle routes, bridleways and public rights of way diversions. SuDS infrastructure, a diverted watercourse and environmental barriers were also built. The project will help support the development of thousands of new homes, schools, shops, dental and hospital provision in the area

The new link road combines vehicular traffic with active travel through a mixture of offset and fully segregated footways and cycleways. Greenways and green spaces create wildlife corridors and a series of safe, off-road pedestrian and cycle routes with integrated play and fitness opportunities. The design involved multi and staged phasing of works, which allowed for partial completion of the northern section and early use of the road.

Michael Florance, Associate, commented “We provided a robust detailed design package and conducted ecological surveys and impact assessments. Our team worked closely with the contractor, consortium, and local planning and highway authorities to deliver a technically sound, adoptable scheme.”

Key fact

Realigned Public Rights of Way, bridleways and wagonways to connect the new infrastructure with existing housing


Michael in a light green open collar shirt smiling in front of a living wall

Michael Florance

Principal Engineer

