
Google and YouTube, 6 Pancras Square

Working in partnership with Google and AHMM to create one of the most flexible and adaptable office spaces.



London, United Kingdom




Allford Hall Monaghan Morris (AHMM)

At the forefront of Google’s requirements was a building that would allow for total flexibility. This meant that every element of the office should be able to move and flex with team requirements, including the meeting rooms. Cundall was central to the design of the flatpack modular meeting rooms that unlocked the space. Initially engaged to undertake technical due diligence in line with Google’s design guides, we were then appointed as the building services engineers.

We were selected for our ability to work closely with the client and bring innovative and engaging design features into the project. These included a town hall, multi-function kitchen and restaurant areas, gym, YouTube studios and edit suites and data rooms as well as customised breakout meeting areas and collaborative workspaces to allow for the tailored working styles of the various occupants.

Working closely with Google, the design team and contractor allowed the design to evolve throughout the programme of works, resulting in an environment which captured all sustainability goals and health and wellbeing drivers identified at the outset.

Key fact

Google utilised their own healthy materials tools to vet and approve general finishes and materials used within the building. This ensured that all components of the product were free of harmful toxins from volatile organic compounds (VOCs).


Key fact

The development of the flatpack modular meeting room really unlocked the flexibility of this Google office


Key fact

The exposed services decision provided the opportunity to move away from a very corporate looking feel and allowed the sensory experience to relate to the activities within the space.


Kevin Hayes

Partner, Building Services


It was our willingness to challenge the design brief that gave us a deeper understanding of Google’s requirements and allowed us to add value to the project.



Interior Design - Co-Working & Studio Space

London Design Awards