
Timothy Newcombe

Senior Engineer, Building Services

I joined Cundall after graduating in 2019 with a Masters degree in Architecture and Environmental Engineering. Throughout my time at Cundall, my driving passion has always been to understand how buildings work, and then to make them work better! This passion has led me to be awarded BCO Graduate of the Year and CIBSE West Midlands Young Engineer of the Year.


I thrive when collaborating with a varied design team. I enjoy listening to others’ expertise and offering my thoughts as to how they may impact the wider design. I also enjoy networking with new professionals from the built environment to understand their drivers and perspective of where our industry is going.


I believe whole-heartedly that design is about thinking outside the box. I take pleasure in working out solutions to new challenges, both at a design level, and strategically. I feel that my multi-disciplinary background has prepared me to both creatively solve problems and communicate them as solutions.



BCO NextGen Graduate of the Year

BCO NextGen awards

Timothy Newcombe

Senior Engineer, Building Services

英国 伯明翰

+44 (0)121 262 2720

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