
Robert Mackay

Associate Director

I graduated from the University of Aberdeen with an honours degree in Civil Engineering in 2000. Since then, I have mostly worked in consultancy practices, mainly developing my structural engineering knowledge through a variety of sectors and structural forms. In 2007, I gained chartership with the Institution of Structural Engineers followed by a five-year spell with a national contractor, gaining invaluable experience from the contracting side of the industry. Returning to consultancy in 2014, I have been with Cundall since.


I have very loyal contractor clients who value my mix of site and design-based knowledge. This allows me to assist with site-based problems, which often require creative thinking to avoid overly costly alternatives.


Cundall is the best practice I have worked with for inner-company collaboration. We share our workload to manage employee utilisation and project deliverables. Distance is no longer an issue in the modern working world, and any suitable employee around the world can work on any one of our projects.

Robert Mackay

Associate Director


英国 爱丁堡

+44 (0)131 524 3500

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