
Paul Sperring

Associate Director

I have over 30 years of experience, which to be honest has flown by as I enjoy my work. I started out as an apprentice electrician, qualified, and went on to university securing a 1st class in the design of energy efficient buildings. I moved to a consultancy role and have had the pleasure of working across many sectors. In recent years this has predominately involved the commercial and education sectors, although I love stepping into new sectors as it expands your knowledge immensely.


If you keep designing the same way, then there’s no surprise the results are the same. Excellence for me means challenging and pushing boundaries. If you want to improve a result you need to tackle the challenge differently. Being brave and innovative doesn’t mean reckless. It requires cool heads, the ability to analyse and be confident of a better outcome.


Getting the best minds together is step one. Step two is getting the best minds to work together. Recent circumstances have removed the misconception that geographical location is a blocker. So, whilst I’m based in London, I’m always talking with my colleagues from across the globe to bring together the best people to deliver outstanding projects, even if they’re sat as far away as our Australia office.

Paul Sperring

Associate Director


英国 伦敦

+44 (0)20 7438 1600

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