
Paul Hards

Partner, Structural Engineering

My success in engineering is credited to the many people I have worked with, who have a genuine passion for the discipline. My love for engineering started in school, where I was blessed to have an incredible engineering drawing teacher whose enthusiasm fuelled my passion. I try to pass on this enthusiasm when mentoring the next generation of engineers. It is also hugely rewarding to walk around Newcastle and other parts of the country with my family and share my experiences of the projects I have been a part of!


Working at Cundall for over 25 years has allowed me to build strong relationships with clients, particularly in the residential and workplace sectors. This collaboration has resulted in real trust, which is immensely important to me. This type of collaboration has proven crucial in winning bigger projects over time.


With every project that my team and I get involved in, I insist on ‘challenging the brief’. Engineering is an art - by
engaging in creative thinking everyday, we can save our clients money and time. Innovative solutions are something I also try to encourage as a mentor.

Paul Hards

Partner, Structural Engineering

英国 纽卡斯尔

+44 (0)191 213 1515

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