
Jennifer Williamson

Sustainability Engineer

I joined Cundall as a graduate sustainability engineer, following an internship in sustainability strategy for one of the UK’s largest supermarkets. Having achieved a First-Class Honours in Aeronautical Engineering from Imperial College London, I made the switch to sustainable engineering after realising my passion for it in everyday life. I’m currently Scotland’s Regional Lead for the Association for Consultancy and Engineering (ACE) Emerging Professionals Group, a role which I hope to use to excite people about sustainable engineering!


My favourite part of my role at Cundall is collaborating with my team, with different disciplines and with clients on projects. I love the two-way exchange of ideas, both learning from others and sharing my own knowledge and enthusiasm.


To me, creativity is one of the most important aspects of engineering, and the collaboration that we have across such diverse groups of people allows us to reach our creative potential. The work that we have done with the Sustainnovation project is a perfect example of how we use our platform to inspire others through innovation.

Jennifer Williamson

Sustainability Engineer

英国 爱丁堡

+44 (0)131 524 3500

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