
Hannah Wong

Principal Engineer, Sustainability

Headshot of Hannah in a purple jumper, in front of some plants.

My passion for sustainability was instigated by the completion of my undergraduate studies in product design, where I witnessed first-hand the adverse environmental impacts the construction industry can have on our planet. I have since dedicated myself to bettering the built environment through sustainable practices and joined Cundall in 2021 as Principal Sustainability Engineer specialising in sustainable design, renewable systems, air ventilation, and green building assessments such as BEAM Plus, LEED, and WELL.


Collaboration facilitates knowledge sharing, encourages problem-solving, and is key to building long-lasting relationships. At Cundall, we work with the APAC team across disciplines to deliver projects in the region. It is incredibly inspiring to see everyone come together to work towards common goals and sustainable outcomes.


Client-centric engineering excellence is one of the hallmarks of Cundall’s expertise, particularly in situations where we offer our clients alternative solutions to satisfy specific challenging requirements without sacrificing time and cost. This helps clients to meet their sustainability goals and also ensures our clients’ budgets are spent effectively and not breaking the bank.

Headshot of Hannah in a purple jumper, in front of some plants.

Hannah Wong

Principal Engineer, Sustainability


+852 2688 2318

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