
Graham Thomson

Associate Director, Building Services

I have always been fascinated with electricity from a young age, and my interest was piqued as I watched an electrician try to replace a fuse board under a set of stairs in a very restricted small cupboard. This led me to start thinking about becoming an electrician with the end goal of becoming a designer to change and improve access to electrical equipment in a safe manner.

Engineering Excellence

I am always encouraging architects and engineers to allow sufficient plant and ceiling void space for safe access for building services. This philosophy results in buildings which are easier and safer to maintain.


The teams I work with are all open for engagement. We strive to make our work seamless and integrate all parties involved, this is reflected in the work we do with the maintenance access requirements and endeavour to include this as part of the building designs.

Graham Thomson

Associate Director, Building Services

英国 爱丁堡

+44 (0)131 524 3500

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