
Dana Mansour

Sustainability Engineer

Dana in a cream cardigan standing in front of a brick wall in the office

My fascination with Sustainability took root during my BEng in Architectural Engineering, where I explored how various disciplines influence the built environment. Eager to deepen mu understanding, I went on to pursue an MSc in Sustainable Architecture Studies. In November 2021, I joined Cundall as a Graduate Sustainability and Building Physics Engineer, where I have since been dedicated to a variety of projects, focusing on WELL, BREEAM, building physics simulation and Whole Life Cycle Assessments. I am currently a WELL AP and LEED Green Associate accredited and LCC (Low Carbon Consultant) certified.



Dana in a cream cardigan standing in front of a brick wall in the office

Dana Mansour

Sustainability Engineer


英国 曼彻斯特

+44 (0)161 244 5660


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