
Curtis Oliver-Smith

Graduate Air Quality Consultant

Curtis Oliver Smith in a blue shirt against a marble wall

I joined Cundall in 2023, after deciding to leave my previous career as a secondary school chemistry teacher. I completed my master’s in applied meteorology and climatology from the University of Birmingham. I am also an Associate Member of the Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM) and the Institution of Environmental Sciences (IES). I enjoy using my academic knowledge and practical experience to combine meteorology and air quality, to safeguard and protect peoples’ health, whether they are indoors or outdoors.


Everyone at Cundall thrives when tasked with thinking outside the box. I love coming up with a new services that we can offer to add to the team’s portfolio.


The standard of Cundall’s work is exemplary, and pushing that standard enables me to feel pride in the work I carry out, whether through programming, modelling or report writing. Working as a team will continue to advance our standards across the practice.

Curtis Oliver Smith in a blue shirt against a marble wall

Curtis Oliver-Smith

Graduate Air Quality Consultant


英国 伯明翰

+44 (0)121 262 2720

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