
Anesah Begam

Designer, Lighting Design

I have been in the lighting industry close to 10 years. My background lies in 3D Design and have specialised in Lighting Design. My passion for lighting came about when I understood how light interacts with materials and people around. Lighting can be subjective, and it paints a different value to individuals.


I appreciate darkness though it might sound contradictory being a lighting designer. I truly love the impact of light in a dark space, it can truly be amazing. When illuminating a space, darkness does play an essential role and I make sure it’s not overlooked during my initial design stage.


It is a combined effort of all the team to deliver a successful project. I strongly believe in good relationships with Architects/Interior Designers and importantly the Client. Collaboration brings together multiple point of views and various skill sets.

Anesah Begam

Designer, Lighting Design


+65 6911 2600

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