
Alasdair Bamford

Associate Director, Critical Systems

I have been in engineering consultancy for over thirty years, since graduating as an electrical engineer from Imperial College. My career (so far) has taken me from London to Wellington via Hong Kong and back again. I've been able to contribute to great projects with fantastic people in diverse locations around the world. Next up is our biggest challenge so far: net zero carbon and beyond - a huge opportunity for electrical engineers everywhere.


I am continuously looking for ways to coordinate multi-disciplinary designs with valuable inputs from the best people at the most appropriate time. It is too easy to stay in our discipline silos and I use my experience across different sectors, projects and cultures to guide our staff in helping clients get the best, joined-up design.


It is nothing if it is not correct. Of course, sometimes it doesn’t go perfectly, but that is inevitable when every project has so many variables and is frequently unique. The best engineers stick around to fix the problem, whatever it is. That is the definition of what we do - engineers are ingenious.

Alasdair Bamford

Associate Director, Critical Systems

英国 伦敦

+44 (0)20 7438 1600

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