Vote for the Net Zero Future Office Building!

Asia 10 十一月 2022

Cundall’s Hong Kong multi-disciplinary team are excited to see the future-facing Treehouse project shortlisted by the World Architecture Festival (WAF) Awards for 2022 in the WAF Future Project category.
Designed in partnership with architects Ronald Lu and Partners, Treehouse won the 2021 Hong Kong Green Building Council Advancing Net Zero Design competition. Now, it has become a global beacon for decarbonised design and development, explains Cundall Asia Structures Director, Dong Chen.

“Being shortlisted for the WAF Awards is a testament to Treehouse’s combination of architectural brilliance and engineering inventiveness.”

“This project expands the boundaries of what we believe is possible for high-rise commercial towers. Through considering every detail of architectural aesthetic, materials, building services design and operational performance, Treehouse will operate at net zero for energy yet still provide a sophisticated, digitally-enabled and biophilic workplace.”

The project is also shortlisted for the WAF China (WAFC) Awards and the public now has a chance to vote for the project and help the team secure a Popular Project or People’s Choice Award. Online voting is now open until noon (Shanghai time) 1 December, 2022.

Vote here: 2022 WAFC设计大奖赛线上投票 (lppoll.com)
Read about Treehouse: Treehouse - Projects - Cundall
