Development WA achieves World Class sustainability trifecta

Australia 14 六月 2022

The Western Australian government agency, Development WA, is setting an exceptional example for other states to emulate with the formal certification of its third 6 Star Green Star Communities rating. The 6 Star achievement for the Subi East precinct follows the successful 6 Star Green Star Communities ratings received previously for its Alkimos Beach (with Lendlease) and Montario Quarter developments for which Cundall also provided sustainability consulting.

The 35-hectare Subi East urban redevelopment will provide up to 2,700 new homes, and look to achieve credits across 33 Green Star sustainability credit categories. These achievements mean the residents will benefit from lower energy bills due to the precinct’s sustainable building design guidelines; extensive public open space and amenities including playgrounds and physical activity areas; design measures that reduce the urban heat island effect; and enhanced sense of place through interpretive trails and interactive features promoting understanding of sustainability, rehabilitation, Indigenous heritage, and football heritage.

“Subi East is the most significant redevelopment project of its type in modern times and right from the start, we wanted to ensure good quality design and sustainability,” WA Planning Minister Rita Saffioti said in a media statement.

"Achieving a Green Star certification is no easy feat - to receive a maximum 6 Star Green Star - Communities accreditation is something of which we can all be enormously proud of.”

Cundall Associate Director and zero carbon leader Oliver Grimaldi said Development WA have shown a comprehensive commitment to sustainability.

“They really set an outstanding example for the WA property industry to follow. In addition to the 6 Star Green Star Communities projects, they also attained 5 Star Green Star Communities for Alkimos Vista.”

The agency is also actively engaging in net zero carbon initiatives, including looking to establish net zero pathways for its activities and operations.

“Often we hear from developers that they need policy in place to encourage more ambitious sustainability achievements,” Grimaldi says. “At Subi East we are seeing the practical example from a government agency that makes policy meaningful and shows better outcomes are cost-effective, attractive to the market and extremely attainable.”
