Cundall signs The Climate Pledge

08 十月 2021

At a time when organisations are increasingly aware of their responsibilities to help minimise global carbon emissions, Cundall has taken the next step in our commitment to being a sustainable business – joining more than 200 companies as signatories of The Climate Pledge.

At a time when organisations are increasingly aware of their responsibilities to help minimise global carbon emissions, Cundall has taken the next step in our commitment to being a sustainable business – joining more than 200 companies as signatories of The Climate Pledge.

The Climate Pledge is a joint initiative between Amazon and Global Optimism that was founded in 2019 with the goal of turning the ‘climate crisis to climate action’. The signatories aim to be net zero carbon by 2040 and commit to regularly report on greenhouse gas emissions, implement decarbonisation strategies, and take action to neutralise any remaining emissions.

Cundall has always been a company that empowers our staff to be sustainable. While we support The Climate Pledge’s goal of achieving net zero carbon by 2040 (10 years before the set Paris agreement) and recognise it as a great step for all industries, our own goals are far more ambitious. We are committed to achieving zero carbon design on all our projects by 2030, a journey that is already well underway, and will continue to be part of everything we do over the next 9 years.

“Joining the Climate Pledge is only the latest step in our commitment to the race to zero campaign ahead of COP26. We were certified carbon neutral in 2020 and are currently updating our existing Science Based Targets to align with the lower Paris Agreement 1.5C trajectory.We support The Pledge in pushing organisations to measure and take action of their climate impact. This is an incredible opportunity for Cundall as an organisation as we strive to maintain our global reputation as a sustainable business. As we look toward COP26 and beyond, our commitment to sustainability is more crucial than ever before.”

Simon Wyatt
