Cundall Light4 wins major contract to reduce light pollution in Saudi Arabia

MENA 05 三月 2020

Cundall Light4 has been appointed to develop a lighting strategy for one of the world’s most ambitious tourism initiatives.

Working for The Red Sea Development Company (TRSDC), Cundall’s lighting design team will be involved in a six-month programme to reduce light pollution at the destination by reviewing existing project design and advising the local communities on measures they can take to reduce light pollution and save energy. The Lighting Management Plan (LMP) which will be created by Cundall Light4 will detail the strategy that all the new assets will adhere to, including hotels, airport and residential properties planed for the 28,000 square kilometres site.

These works are in line with TRSDC’s plan to become the largest certified Dark Sky Reserve in the world and gain the Dark Skies international accreditation.

Founded In 1988, the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) is dedicated to protecting the night sky for present and future generations by tackling light pollution.

Andrew Bissell, Director of Light4, commented “I believe this project will demonstrate that through ambition, careful coordinated design and a passion for the environment, new developments of an unprecedented scale can be built which protect the quality of the night sky.”
