Cundall Hong Kong office is now powered by renewable energy

05 二月 2020

Cundall is committed to achieving carbon neutral by 2020 and 115% carbon positive by 2025 as part of our Sustainability Roadmap. Cundall Hong Kong has acquired Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) from Hong Kong Electric for all our electricity consumption in 2019 and secured the renewable supply for the coming years.

We always encourage our clients to audit their energy use to reduce energy demand before coming up with a carbon reduction strategy. As such, our Hong Kong office is working on an energy audit to reduce the operational carbon emission, as well as the indirect carbon emission such as business travel and purchased goods and services.

Joe Tang, Director of Hong Kong said “As we continue to work towards our goal of achieving carbon neutral this year, purchasing renewable energy is an exciting step in reducing our carbon emissions and supporting the local generation of renewable energy in Hong Kong. In the next few months, we will continue to develop our carbon emission reduction plan and are confident in achieving our goal.”

Cundall is committed to achieving a Science Base Target, and we are one of the seven founding signatories of WGBC Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment. We are also part of the Business Environmental Council (BEC) Low Carbon Charter Pathway 2 since 2019.
