Cundall contributes to Marlborough Sports Garden – winner of The Pineapple awards

UK and Europe 01 九月 2022

Marlborough Sports Garden has won the Future Place category of The Pineapple awards at The Festival of Place, an annual event that celebrates the very best in placemaking.

The garden is being created with the aim of fostering local community space, hosting a large sports facility that is free for all to access and offers a wide range of sports activities and events. The new building, currently undergoing planning permission review, is set to start work over the coming years and will help cater for even more activities at the site, introducing cafes, lavatories, and even opens up the possibility of hosting workshops.

Cundall has been consulting on zero carbon MEP strategy, sustainable design and artistic lighting design for the planning of the garden, working alongside Cullinan studios, Engenuiti, Turkington Martin and Bristow Consulting, as a pro-bono community project.

“Marlborough Sports Garden is a fabulous space for fun for local residents. It has been an honour for Cundall to contribute to this winning design and the community.”

Kevin Hayes
