
Sustainnovation - K-Briq®

Sustainnovation 作者 Sophie Simpson, Associate Engineer, Sustainability – 20 七月 2022


Sophie Simpson smiling looking towards the camera wearing a dark blue top

Sophie Simpson


Jennifer Williamson


This blog is part of our Sustainnovation series.

Sustainnovation is an exhibition (both physical and digital) of some of the most sustainable and innovative products coming onto the market at the moment. Our engineers and designers have carefully selected products that they feel will help us, and the planet, achieve our sustainable goals.


Set to revolutionise the construction sector, the K-Briq is the world’s first sustainable brick.

K-Briq is made from over 90% of local recycled construction and demolition waste and is unfired which means it uses 90% less energy in the production process and has a tenth of the carbon footprint of a traditional clay or concrete brick. Supporting a fully circular closed loop process, the K-Briq can be fully recycled into a new K-Briq, supporting the need to significantly lowering the carbon footprint of the built environment.

The product was invented by researchers at Heriot-Watt University, with research and development support from Interface, Scottish Enterprise, BE-ST and The Royal College of Engineering.

Launching later this year, the K-Briq will be available in 10 standard colours with the ability to offer a full bespoke colour palette through the use of recycled pigments to colour the bricks.

The K-Briq competes technically and financially with a traditional facing brick while offering enhanced sustainability credentials set to revolutionise the construction sector in its plan to become net zero in the lead up to 2045.

Manufacturers: Kenoteq - Edinburgh, UK

Launched in 2019, Kenoteq was formed to respond to the critical challenges facing the construction industry in the UK and across Europe.

Founder, Professor Gabriela Medero, has been researching and developing innovative building materials from recycled waste for over 15 years. Alongside co-founder Dr Sam Chapman and Chairman Dr Andrew Hosty, the three-construction industry professionals have worked to develop the K-Briq, boasting exceptional sustainability credentials.

Kenoteq is aiming to deliver three million bricks in 2022.

K-Briq samples are currently on display in our Edinburgh office.

K-Briq® samples are currently on display in our Edinburgh office.

K-Briq® samples are currently on display in our Edinburgh office.
