
PlanBEE – Enabling the future of the built environment



Carl Archer


Rebekah Phillips


PlanBEE (Plan Built Environment Education) is a unique two-year apprenticeship which offers aspiring engineers the opportunity to experience the wide variety of disciplines within the construction industry, whilst progressing with their academic studies.

Cundall are one of the founding companies, along with Ryder, Arup, Faulkner Browns, Brims, Sir Robert McAlpine, Tolent, 3E and Xsite of PlanBEE. The employers have worked in collaboration with Gateshead College, in the North East, to change the siloed mentality of the construction industry. Current employers also include Desco, Black & White Engineering, Castle Building Services, S H E D and National Building Specification.

Employers found that graduates were leaving university without the diversity of skills needed to excel in the construction industry, given how integrated the supply chain is. Students aged 17 and 18 must choose their career path whilst knowing little about the industry they are entering. Therefore, it was found that a broader entry system was needed, which highlights the wide variety of career opportunities within the sector.

PlanBEE apprentices work four days a week and receive extensive training and personal mentorship at the sponsor companies, whilst attending college one full day a week. Over the course of two years the apprentices have six different working placements (each four months long), including architecture, civil/structural engineering, building services engineering, site management/engineering and quantity surveying. At the end of the course, they receive a Higher National Diploma. The apprentices may then apply for full time employment at the companies they have worked for, enabling them to continue working and studying in their discipline of choice.

The programme was founded in 2013, with the first cohort of 12 starting in September 2016, it has been widely successful with the apprentices excelling in the workplace, as well as achieving the required grades to continue studying. Since then, 45 young professionals have completed the programme with the majority of them continuing to work and/or study within the construction industry. Currently there are 19 current apprentices in their first or second year of the programme.

I’m currently in my fifth placement, previously I have had placements at Ryder Architecture, Brims Construction, Desco, and now Cundall. These have each given me a broad understanding of the different disciplines within the industry. I’ve been lucky enough to experience working on initial concept designs in the office with Ryder, to developing MEP proposals with Desco, and helping to oversee the construction of a residential scheme on site with Brims. By combining my theoretical knowledge gained from assignments in college with the practical skills found in practise, I have developed a unique skillset to help jumpstart my career in construction.
Adam Shirley, second year student currently on a Structural Engineering placement with Cundall.

From day one of my placement at Cundall, I was made to feel extremely welcome and part of the team. I was able to work on a variety of interesting projects while learning all about the discipline of Structural Engineering. The whole team supported me through my learning of new standards and software. Overall, it was an extremely positive and enjoyable experience which helped me develop professionally and personally.

Robyn Taylor, first year PlanBEE student

PlanBEE apprentices bring a varied thought process and background to their placements having worked for other disciplines. The knowledge of how an architect or site manager approaches the design or problem at hand and this diversity of thought is a huge benefit in the workplace. The apprentices typically interview at the sponsor companies and secure full-time employment after their diploma with Gateshead College. Cundall have found that the variety of knowledge and appreciation of the wider design team and the networks built over the course of the 6 placements is a huge asset for someone in the early stages of their career. Additionally, the apprentices have experienced various aspects of the industry over the course and can then choose to specialise in what they’re passionate about rather than choosing a degree and then beginning a career in that field and having their career path decided at the age of 18 with no industry experience.

Georgina Moroney, who completed the PlanBEE program in 2021, joined Cundall as a permanent member of staff and is a valued part of the Civil and Structural team working on projects across the North East. Georgina is also studying at university part-time to gain a Civil Engineering degree and has already received recognition in the industry receiving a QUEST scholarship with the Institute of Civil Engineers.

PlanBEE won the Skills Initiative of the Year Award 2017, which was hugely rewarding to see that the project getting recognition outside of the North East and because of this the PlanBEE consortium was approached by Manchester City Council and in September 2021 the first PlanBEE Manchester cohort started their course.

For anyone considering a career in the construction industry and may be interested in pursuing PlanBEE in either the North East or Manchester please find further information here: https://www.gateshead.ac.uk/planbee

For any organisations that wish to know more and potentially join the programme as a sponsor, there is a sponsor's breakfast on Wednesday 9th
February 2022, in Newcastle, where Cundall and others will be in attendance. For more information visit: https://www.gateshead.ac.uk/events/planbee-sponsors-breakfast

“I’m currently in my fifth placement, having completed previous placements at Ryder Architecture, Brims Construction, Desco, and now Cundall. I have gained a broad understanding of the different disciplines and have been lucky enough to work on initial concept designs, MEP proposals oversee onsite construction of a residential scheme. By combining the theoretical knowledge acquired at college with the practical skills gained in practise, I have developed a unique skillset to help jumpstart my career in construction.”

Adam Shirley, second year student currently on a Structural Engineering placement with Cundall


Robyn Taylor, first year PlanBEE student

Additionally, having experienced various aspects of the industry over the course of the two years, the apprentices can then choose to specialise in an area they are passionate about rather than having their career path decided at the age of 18 with no industry experience.

Georgina Moroney, who completed the PlanBEE program in 2021, joined Cundall as a permanent member of staff and is now a valued part of our civil and structural team working on projects across the North East. Georgina is also studying at university part-time to gain a degree in civil engineering and has already received recognition in the industry, receiving a QUEST scholarship from the Institute of Civil Engineers.

PlanBEE was awarded the Skills Initiative of the Year Award 2017. This led to PlanBEE being approached by Manchester City Council. The first Manchester cohort started their course in September 2021.

If you are considering a career in the construction industry and are interested in pursuing PlanBEE in either the North East or Manchester, further information can be found here

For any organisations wishing to know more, a sponsor's breakfast (including representatives from Cundall) is being held on Wednesday 9 February 2022. More information can be found here
