
Local roads and cycleways: Winter maintenance

Highways 作者 Michael Florance, Principal Engineer – 26 一月 2023


Michael in a light green open collar shirt smiling in front of a living wall

Michael Florance


After the latest spell of crystallising water vapour weather, we can once again reflect on the inadequacy of the UK’s infrastructure and maintenance regimes when dealing with snow. Although it was not quite the USA’s bomb cyclone level of snow, we still saw people, traffic and goods coming to a grinding halt. One group seeing the real sharp end of the challenges of commuting during such weather: cyclists. Simply put, pursuing active travel when the UK is been hit by snow has proven to be almost impossible.

I’ve seen and heard countless examples of cycleways, footways, greenways, bridleways being unrideable. At the same time, I am confident that no driver would accept the space allocated for vehicles on roads to be left undriveable. The question that we need to answer, then, is why can’t we maintain the spaces for cyclists (and pedestrians) as well as we do for vehicles? I’m not saying we need to perfect (yet), but in most cases it seems like we don’t even try. The Highways Act places a legal obligation of maintenance on highway authorities – this includes winter maintenance. And if we are talking highways, that includes all useable parts of adopted highways, which then extends to cycleways.

We can look to other nations, such as Denmark, for how to do better. I’m perhaps being both harsh and optimistic in equal measure by referencing cycling capital – but we should at least aspire to replicate how they at least treat their cyclists. In the same way that we in the UK categorise our roads (by vehicle use and accessibility) for winter maintenance, in the likes of Denmark this is extended to pathways and cycleways. There are going to be questions on budget, of course. But if we are serious about year-round active travel in the UK, our maintenance regimes need to change and follow suit. Cycleways need a high level of service to be continually maintained, otherwise they pose a serious risk to cyclists. Even without snow fall we need a high level of service here. Wet or damp surfaces can freeze overnight when temperatures drop, and that ice can be even more of a problem. Do we need response teams on-hand like we have for gritting of carriageways?

Around November/December 2022 there was a growing sense of dissatisfaction with the maintenance of footways and cycleways, so we are beginning to see change. For the first time ever, I saw a great example of a UK region taking winter maintenance of cycleways seriously. London Borough of Waltham Forest swept and cleared their dedicated cycle lane on the A172. I’ve never seen this before in the UK, but I hope it’s a catalyst for change.

There are challenges, particularly accessing some cycleways, but even when segregated from the road it can be done. Copenhagen have shown it, and so has the Waltham Forest now. Active Travel England just announced £32.9 million pounds of investment to create a national network of experts. And I hope that proper, long term, winter maintenance strategists are included on the list.
