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Ambient Monitoring

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Ambient air quality is the condition of the air in the outdoor environment that directly affects human health, ecological receptors, and dust-sensitive properties.

We are experienced in obtaining site-specific data through the installation and management of appropriate equipment and the interpretation of results to analyse ambient air quality conditions.

Our ambient monitoring services include passive diffusion tube, fugitive dust monitoring and identification and instrumental monitoring, which can provide remotely-accessible dust monitoring data.

Based on a scope outlined in a Dust Management Plan and agreed with the Local Authority, monitoring of particulate matter during baseline, demolition and construction provides evidence to discharge applicable planning conditions. It also enables mitigation to be put in place to promptly ensure fugitive dust emissions do not present an issue to nearby sensitive receptors.

We provide metal coupon testing to obtain data relating to atmospheric corrosivity and provide an interpretative report in accordance with international standards. This ensures that suitable mitigation measures can be incorporated into the building design to reduce adverse impacts from atmospheric pollutants. Selection of appropriate mitigation can preserve the integrity of expensive assets and sensitive electronic equipment.

We can also monitor bioaerosols, to provide permit data in accordance with Environment Agency guidance.

Key contact

Glyn Hodgkiss in blue shirt with acoustics feature background

Glyn Hodgkiss

Associate, Air Quality


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An air quality survey can provide valuable information to demonstrate compliance with planning strategy, inform new building design and assist in the adoption of mixed-mode ventilation.
