Beormund School
Net-zero school providing support and learning for primary age students with social, emotional and mental health needs in the London Borough of Southwark.
London Borough of Southwark, United Kingdom
Southwark Borough Council
Cullinan Studios
Beormund School is a full-time, special needs setting for children with social, emotional and mental health needs (SEMH). Currently able to accommodate 35 full-time pupils, the school will be moving to a new, purpose-built building based which will accommodate 56 students. Beormund’s pupils will be taught in small classes of no more than eight, with teachers looking to deliver the national curriculum alongside other learning styles and support provided by a team of therapists.
Cundall is providing building services, acoustics and fire engineering and sustainability consultancy services to the project. It is also an ideal opportunity for us to share our experience and expertise in designing low-energy buildings, as well as SEND schools. The design prioritises natural daylight and constant levels of fresh air, with efficient heat recovery provided to every classroom, while retaining the option for teachers to have openable windows.
Associate Director, Paul Sperring, commented, “When it comes to classroom design, children with social, emotional, and mental health needs have often been overlooked in the past. It is great to see this finally being addressed by the build environment industry, and we are immensely proud to be able to share our expertise. The result is a class-leading, net-zero school designed for some of England’s most vulnerable children, and a place that will attract and retain the best teachers.”
Cundall is incredibly proud to be part of this rewarding project, developing a net zero school creating a standard for future SEND schools in England.