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Digital material passports - Wood Wool

Sustainability By Alex Mar Morales, Senior Consultant, Sustainability – 01 January 2024


Head and shoulders shot of Alex against a marble wall wearing glasses and a jumper

Alex Mar Morales

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Pauline in a dark blue top in front of a white marble effect wall

Pauline Godinho Ramos

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An environmentally friendly, recyclable material containing two of the world’s oldest building materials.

BAUX Acoustic Wood Wool is made from wood wool, cement and water. The natural components together provide many functional characteristics.

The moisture-resistant material evens out air humidity by absorbing and then emitting moisture into the ambient air. This contributes to a pleasant indoor climate which is good for both comfort and health.

BAUX Acoustic Wood Wool products stores heat from the ambient air and emits it when the air temperature falls. This contributes to lower energy costs, reduced environmental impact and a stable and comfortable climate indoors.


Product Name:
Wood Wool

Product Site: BAUX Acoustic Wood Wool - Baux

Supplier: Baux

Material Origin

  • Raw Material Sourced:
  • Manufacture Site:
    Österbymo, Sweden
  • Biogenic Content (i.e. natural material content/sequestered carbon info):
  • Recycled Content:

Embodied Carbon Value

  • Upfront Embodied Carbon:
  • Product Lifecycle Embodied Carbon:
  • Life Span:
    50 years

    Product EPD is available online


  • Takeback schemes:
    Baux Acoustic will take back used products for refurbishment or recycling at end of life
  • Reuse Potential:
    Panels can be refurbished for reuse
  • Warranties:
    50 years

Health & Wellbeing

  • Material Emissions:
    Minimal VOC Emissions (Third-party verified)
  • Material Content:
    Not applicable
  • Ingredient Transparency: Disclosed ingredients:
    Cement dust; Spruce wood; Water; Calcium carbonate; Biora Balance (self-declared)
  • Hazardous Materials:
    None found (self-declared)
  • Alignment with WELL:
    5/7 credits


  • Declare label
  • ISO1400

What is a digital material passport?

A material passport is a digital document listing all the materials that are included in a product or construction during its life cycle in order to facilitate circularity decisions in supply chain management at the end of the building life.

At Cundall, we want to create a passport to materials/products that will also provide information before its use so designers and contractors are capable of making conscious decisions of products that could affect the embodied carbon and health well-being of a project, facilitating the inclusion of the best low carbon and/ healthy materials that align with their design.